Thursday, January 21, 2010

Dried nail polish out of carpet?

I spilled blue nail polish over light tan/brown/pinkish carpet and I was wondering if Windex would work because we don't have any Nail Polish remover?Dried nail polish out of carpet?
No, windex won't do it. Cut it out or use polish remover/acetone. However test it a corner 1st to make sure it doesn't further damage your carpet.

Put down a runner or area rug.Dried nail polish out of carpet?
My daughter decided our brand new carpet was too boring, so she took nail polish and made rainbows! (Thought I would die!!!) I didn't have polish remover, but did research and found want to go to the store and get NON acetone nail polish remover. Take cotton balls or qtips and rub in circles until you no longer see the polish. After that you will want to rinse the carpet with warm water and dishsoap (just a few drops). Use a wash cloth and rub in circles. The nail polish was on the carpet for 24 hours, good and dried. This worked perfectly! Just make sure you buy NON Acetone remover - the other stuff will eat the carpet! Hope this helps!
Here is a site that I would highly recommend. They have very high quality stain removal techniques. I would suggest repeating the process after the first application, and rinsing the rug out with cool water in between applications. Best of luck!
let it dry and pick it off i think

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